Monday, July 6, 2009


post from old blog of mine - 06 July 2009 

Have been struggling with this issue for some time now.... I am not infertile.. although I consider that I am as I consider "us = one".. therefore "we are infertile" ... after finding out that we could not have kids 'naturally' in March- I was shattered! there's like about a 1% chance we would be able to conceive naurally... the gyneacologist recommended IVF.... ICSI as the the only way we could conceive.

Even now.. it's difficult to discuss.. unless I go straight to facts and figures and clinical speaking... I guess ever since I was a young girl I imagined being a mum, bringing up children... The idea that it might never happen is kind of hard to swallow... I never really understood why people go through IVF.. why not just adopt. there are plenty of poor unloved children in the world... they need looking after, however it's not that easy.... Adoption in Australia = VARY rare / long waiting list etc etc.... adoption o/s - very expensive and difficult.