Friday, May 29, 2020

IVF During a Pandemic

Well I didn't keep up the blog... I did however document the journey a little lot more on my Instagram.. and took even more photos on my phone that might one day come to light haha

It's been a super stressful time doing IVF in the middle of a world wide pandemic... IVF at the best of times is full of so many uncertainties and add in the extra uncertainty from COVID and ir's bordering on ridiculous.

All through the cycle I was terrified that I'd be pumped full of hormones and then would have the cycle cancelled.. thing got stranger along the way... public transport felt very "un-safe" and so I started driving in for everything.. and walking halfway across town between the clinic and acupuncture. We paid a fair bit for parking over the months... In March the government decided that to free up resources - equipment and people that they were going to shut down elective surgery... which apparently includes IVF... this made me more scared as no one quite knew exactly when.. then it was the 1 April .. and we JUST managed to squeeze in with Egg Collection on 26th March and Transfer on 31 March! Phew

I made a little video with a selection of photos and videos taken during the IVF cycle ...

I am still in shock that after all this time and so many prayers and tears, that IVF finally was successful and we are FINALLY pregnant... only once have I seen those two lines before and since I was already bleeding it was bittersweet. This is different! This time there is HOPE that this little one will be a survivor and make it all the way to a healthy baby .... Praying God would protect and grow this little one!!