Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Overwhelmed with sadness

This morning I was Overwhelmed with sadness ... it happens sometimes and is hard to contain.
Once that door of grief opens it's hard to get it closed again! It doesn't help that I'm super over tired.

Currently (since early Sunday morning) we are looking after four children aged 6-13 so their parents could have a little getaway. It's been hard, fun, tiring, rewarding and exhausting ... respecting parents of little ones so much in all that they do for them, caring for them, helping them to grow and mature.

I'm really pleased that our friends trust us to care for their children whilst they go away and it's a great blessing to be able to look after/ spend time with little people BUT it also makes starker the realities of what we are "missing out on"

After I dropped Mr 6 at his class I was walking back through the school.. and there were children EVERYWHERE and parents, grandparents etc coming in and out and I was just hit with a huge wave of sadness ... Some of our little ones would have been at this Infants school age now ... and yet they are not here :( And possibly, quite probably we will never be taking our own children to and from school.

At times like this I really am NOT CONTENT with my life ...  I know that God's plan for my life is good for me but I don't really feel it right now.

Anyway about an hour till I have to pick them up again so best suck it up and get ready! 

Monday, July 8, 2019

Not a due date

Today would have been Stevie's due date ... if he/she had stuck around .. but like the rest of our precious embryos Stevie was not meant for this world.