Wednesday, May 29, 2019

a bit of a slump

The Bears of Hope High tea was good (hard but good) ... I enjoyed spending time with dear friends. I just wish that there was no reason for any of us to be there! But it is what it is, sadly.

It was super helpful for me to recognise and honour our dear little ones .. and I received this precious gift. (I'm really glad that I listed all their names on the registration form).

My friend took this photo ... remembering dear Casey, Gregory, Sebastian and Aerin

My Mother's Day facebook post

Today I’m thanking God for Mother’s (and all that they are and do) and praying they have strength and perseverance to keep loving and caring (even when it’s most hard).
Praying (and weeping with those) for whom Mother’s Day makes them weep ... for those missing their own mums who are no longer on this earth, for those grieving broken relationships, for those whose children have died - forever in their hearts but never or no longer in their arms, for those who desperately long to be mothers and whose dreams are unfulfilled, for those who are parenting alone and all others grieving today.
Thanking God especially for those who “mother” in so many ways without physically being a “mum”!! 

Honestly, I've been struggling quite a bit since Mother's day.. and have been in a bit of a slump.. the recent cold weather is not helping and neither is my health.. although I guess it's all kinda linked. The house is a mess and I really want to clean it up but I'm just not getting it done.

Trying to trust in God and his goodness and be content in where he has me right now but that's so hard. Praying that I would be quick to listen to him and not be tempted to look to the world for wisdom and contentment.